Wheeling with Confidence

Wheeling with Confidence

It’s natural to experience lowered self-esteem after a spinal cord injury. Many people’s confidence becomes affected when they acquire a disability. Society generally has a negative viewpoint of disability, which makes it difficult for people with spinal cord injuries to come to a place of peace. You go from being fully independent to in many cases fully dependent, which is a very difficult transition.

Many are able to find their confidence again however after their injury. It takes time, sometimes therapy, and above all it requires a positive outlook, especially regarding how you view disability as a whole. We all hope that a treatment for paralysis comes in our lifetimes, but until that day, having a healthy viewpoint of yourself is essential.

Many people will have successes in life after their injury which can help. These successes can be fuel to help your confidence get back to where it was before your injury, whether it’s getting back to work or getting back behind the wheel. Here are some ideas to help your confidence return after a spinal cord injury:

  • How you look at your situation can make all the difference after a spinal cord injury. There are opportunities in every bad situation. Find these opportunities.
  • Try to talk openly about your injury and do not hide from it. Learning how to openly talk about your injury can help boost your confidence.
  • Try to keep a positive attitude . People fake it till they make it, and sometimes can lead to true happiness.
  • Stay on top of your grooming and fashion. Force yourself to go out and be social. Eventually, confidence can return through these activities.

Above all, remember to remind yourself of what you can still do and what you are still capable of in spite of your injury, and do this on a regular basis. You still have MUCH to offer the world no matter the state of your spinal cord.


Spinal Cord Injury
8315 N Brook Ln Apt 906,
Bethesda MD  20814
Phone Number: +1 703-795-5711