NDEAM Profile: Caitlin Reilly, Team Lead for USDA School Nutrition Program & Paraplegic

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Every day during the month of October, we’re sharing employment stories of people with spinal cord injuries to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Today we’re profiling Caitlin Reilly who absolutely loves her longtime government job working for the USDA.

In the comments, please share if you are ❤ working post spinal cord injury, 💚 when you started, and 💙 what you love most about your job 👍


Caitlin Reilly

Where Do You Live?

Hingham, MA

How and When Were You Injured?

Car accident in June 1991

Level of Injury?


Employment History Pre-Injury:


Current Job?

“I am a team lead for the school nutrition program with USDA good and nutrition service. We oversee some of the food programs such as school breakfast and lunch.”

How Did You Find Your Job and How Long Was the Search?

“Through the Workforce Recruitment Program.” “They found me!”

Please Name Any Programs That Supported Your Finding or Maintaining Your Current Job

“Vocational rehab and the Workforce Recruitment Program.”

What Kind of Disability Accommodations Do You Require?

“Electric doors for the bathroom, parking spot and my own printer at my desk.”

Do You Have Tips for Getting Hired?

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease. There are many companies willing to hire people with disabilities. Also the government has been a great employer for me.”

Advice for Maintaining Employment Long-Term?

“Have open communication with your boss.”

If You Could Go Back in Time, What Advice Would You Give Yourself Before Pursuing Your Career Path?

“I would have picked a major that didn’t require an advanced degree.”

Is There Anything Else You’d Like to Say About Employment After a Spinal Cord Injury?

“Don’t give up! The right job is out there for you!”

— Follow Caitlin on IG at https://www.instagram.com/hotwheels75/ 


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