SCI Superstar: Priscilla Hedlin

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After our injuries we’re all worried about different things, going back to school, doing things you love again, providing for your family, and for many women with spinal cord injuries, they worry if they can be a great mom. The answer is a resounding yes as Priscilla Hedlin aka The Wheelchair Mommy has shown.

Priscilla is one of the most well-known bloggers for mothers with spinal cord injuries. She began sharing her story shortly after her injury and covers every aspect of parenting with a spinal cord injury. If you’re newly injured and worried about parenting, look no further than The Wheelchair Mommy. Read on for her story.

Why She’s Fearless

Fresh out of high school, Priscilla was in a car accident caused by a drunk passenger who grabbed the wheel from the driver, causing the car to crash and leaving her a L1-2. The year was 1999 and Priscilla had just started college and was living with her best friend.

Luckily, sooner rather than later, she realized a full life was still possible. Within 2 years of her injury, Priscilla met her future husband Charlie, and after 1 1/2 years, they were married. The two were married in December 2002. In December 2004, Priscilla had her first baby, a boy in 2002, then she had another boy in 2008, and then one more baby in 2011.

Priscilla is busy being an amazing mom to her three kids all the while sharing her life and tips for other moms with disabilities on her blog. And her blog is massive. She shares all aspects of parenting with a spinal cord injury. Whether you’re looking for information on family life or wheelchair life,  you’ll find a post about it from The Wheelchair Mommy. She also has a great section on her wedding.

What’s Next?

When she’s not blogging, Priscilla is a public speaker. She’s also known for her style and publishes posts on wheelchair fashion in her blog the Stylish Gimp

But what we love most about Priscilla is her willingness to share her life with the world. With videos, her blog and social media, she shows the world a spinal cord injury doesn’t prevent your dreams of motherhood.

It’s not easy being so public with so many private things after a SCI, but Priscilla does it anyways, and has make our community better in the process.

— Visit her blog: The Wheelchair Mommy

— Follow her on Instagram


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