SCI Superstar: Kevin Brooks

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“I don’t quit, you don’t quit.” This is the mantra of Kevin Brooks, one of the most memorable speakers from Canada. Paralyzed in 2000 when he was 21 years old, Kevin has gone on to put a silver lining on a bad situation, making a difference in the lives of the thousands who’ve heard him speak.

But becoming a motivational speaker didn’t happen overnight. Responsible for a car accident that not only paralyzed him from the waist down but also killed his childhood friend, feeling motivated was the last thing on Kevin’s mind after his injury. Read on for Kevin’s unforgettable story of perseverance in the face of paralysis and loss.

Why He’s Fearless

Before his injury, Kevin was one of those guys who thought he was invincible, and he and his friends partied hard. One night after a long night of drinking, Kevin drove home under the influence and one of his best friends jumped in the car as well. They never made it to their destination. Kevin crashed the car while on the way there, becoming a paraplegic and killing his friend.

Initially after his injury, he was lost. He could no longer walk and he was responsible for the death of a close friend. If it wasn’t for the kindness of the parents of his friend who died, Kevin would’ve likely spent the first couple of years post-injury in jail. But that wasn’t meant to be. In 2002, he met Rick Hansen, the famous Canadian paraplegic who pushed himself around the world in 1985, and Kevin’s entire perspective shifted.

Kevin knew he wanted to make a difference in the world and to not let his poor actions continue to make him full of regret, so he began to speak at elementary schools on the importance of wheelchair accessibility, disability awareness, suicide awareness, bullying and dangerous driving habits. His first speech was for a small group of elementary school students in 2005.

Since beginning his speaking career, which is his full-time job, he’s spoken at thousands of schools and army bases around the world, challenging the audience to view him as they would anyone else. He has become so popular with high school students that they started a Facebook Group to discuss how he changed lives. He was even on the Tyra show on NBC to share his truth.

What’s Next?

Still traveling around Canada and the US to speak at various schools and companies, Kevin keeps busy with adaptive sports when he’s not speaking. His two favorite sports are downhill adaptive biking and wheelchair skateboarding. While he never made it to the Paralympics, Kevin is changing the world as a speaker instead, and the world is definitely better for it.

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