SCI Superstar: James Weisman

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A champion of people with disabilities but not disabled himself, James Weisman is considered one of the biggest champions of disability rights in the country. A former President of United Spinal Association but first and foremost an attorney, Weisman has served the disability community for decades. He started out his legal career suing for better access to public transportation long before the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed. Read on to learn more about this incredible advocate.

Why He’s Fearless

James attended Seton Hall University Law School and has long been an advocate for people with disabilities, which was a passion that began after he graduated from college. After graduating, he was a staff attorney with Community Action for Legal Services from 1977 to 1979 where he instituted the first legal services project in the nation designed to meet the needs of the poor with disabilities.

One of the first legal battles he became known for was a lawsuit he commenced against New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority, demanding that the city provide an accessible bus network, as well as make key subway stations accessible, and guess what — he won.

He also successfully sued so that the city would provide a paratransit van service. Accessibility like this was unheard of in the early 1980s, but by 1985, he successfully settled the suit. He brought forth another lawsuit much like the one in New York City to the city of Philadelphia a few years later, which was also successful. Both of these settlement agreements played a role in the transportation provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

After proving this was an issue he could successfully conquer, he was a key negotiator with Congress in drafting the transportation provisions of the ADA. A few years later in 1995, he was a founding member of the American Association of People with Disabilities Board of Directors, and in 2003 he was then elected as their board chair.

In 2002, he also sued New York City and settled for $218 million on access violations. The settlement dollars went to the installation of curb ramps throughout the city. In 2004, he won the Universal Accessible Transportation Award given by the U.S. Transportation Secretary for all the great work he’s done. It’s no surprise he’s a recognized expert on disability rights.

What’s Next?

Weisman also battled the taxicab system in New York City for the same reasons. In 2011, he convinced the Governor of New York to add 2,000 accessible taxis to New York City’s Yellow Cab Fleet. This agreement was cemented 3 years later by Mayor Bloomberg when he promised to make half of the fleet accessible by 2020 (a number NYC is still working towards). Weisman has been a constant advocate on the transportation front fighting for people with disabilities every step of the way.

Weisman was also one of the first to fiercely fight against Uber, demanding that they too become accessible, which sadly remains a hard fought issue. Routinely consulted by advocates, attorneys, employers, and transit operators who wish to employ or provide services to people with disabilities, no one comes close to doing everything Weisman has done for the disability community and we can’t thank him enough for it.


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