SCI Superstar: Chad Hymas

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A dedicated, hard-working family man is the definition of Chad Hymas. Named one of the 10 most inspirational people in the world by the Wall Street Journal, he has given thousands of speeches to tens of thousands of people around the globe since his injury in 2001. Successful and prolific, read on to learn Chad Hymas’ story.

Why He’s Fearless

In 2001, Chad was a happily married family man to his wife Shondell with two young boys. Sadly, while rushing home to see one of his sons take its first steps, a one ton bale of hay landed on him (a safety measure he would always regret), and he became a C5-6. At the time of his injury, he was devastated, worried he would be unable to provide for his family.

Fortunately, at the behest of his wife, he decided to take on speaking as his next career move; something he was a natural at. While many people with spinal cord injuries get into motivational speaking, Chad does leadership and safety speeches at the corporate level, often at Fortune 500 companies. He is so successful in fact that he opened a retreat center in his home state of Utah to book corporates speaking events. In 2011, he was a Hall of Fame Speaker inductee.

And his family has grown since his spinal cord injury. He and his wife went on to adopt another son Kyler and their daughter Gracie, completing their family of six. Time passes quickly, and in early 2022, Chad and Shondell became first time grandparents.

What’s next?

Chad continues to be a busy speaker. He’s spoken at Wells Fargo, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AT&T, Rainbird, IHC, American Express, Prudential Life, Vast FX, Zion Securities, and hundreds more over the years. We will end with one of his best quotes: “Dreams aren’t destroyed by circumstances. They’re destroyed by what you believe.”

— Chad Hymas’ official site

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Spinal Cord Injury
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Bethesda MD  20814
Phone Number: +1 703-795-5711