NDEAM Profile: Brian Denny, Outreach Coordinator, Quadriplegic

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For the last day of NDEAM/National Disability Employment Awareness Month, meet Brian Denny, a father and husband injured in a work accident in 2010 who is now an integral part of the South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association as their outreach coordinator.

In the comments below, please share if you are ❤ working post spinal cord injury, 💚 when you started, and 💙 what you love most about your job 👍


Brian Denny



Where Do You Live?

Columbia, South Carolina

How and When Were You Injured?

“C3/4 incomplete from a work accident in 2010.”

Were You Employed Your Injury?

“Yes. I was a school teacher for 3 years. Then I did commercial sales for a building supply company for 4 years. I got laid off and rehired as a warehouse supervisor for a year when I got hurt.”

What is Your Current Job and What Do You Do?

“I’m an outreach coordinator and I started in 2017.” “I work for the South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association. I oversee our peer support programs, run our injury prevention program, conduct educational in-services, and run our advocacy program.”

How Did You Find Your Job?

“Local SCI community.”

How Long Did You Search for Your Current Job?

“I was approached to apply.”

Please Name Any Programs That Supported You Finding or Maintaining Your Current Job:

“Voc Rehab, and SC Works.”

Do You Have Any Tips or Tricks to Share on Finding a Job?

“Tell everyone you know you’re looking for work and you’ll be surprised how you’ll find something.”

Do You Have Any Tips or Tricks to Share on Maintaining Employment for the Long Term?

“Find a job you can be passionate about and develop a good relationship with your boss.”

If You Could Go Back in Time, What Advice Would You Give Yourself Before Pursuing Your Job or Career Path?

“Don’t sell yourself short. You’ll be surprised what you can do if you put yourself out there.”

Is There Anything Else You’d Like to Add About Your Job Search or Employment Experience?

“It’s always a work in progress. So be flexible, and don’ be afraid to try something new.”

— Follow Brian on IG at https://www.instagram.com/6wheelin2010/
— Follow Brian on Facebook at “Brian Denny


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Bethesda MD  20814
Phone Number: +1 703-795-5711