Learn More about Ticket to Work

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As you make your goals for the month, don’t forget to make progress towards your work goals. A great way to do this is by using the Ticket to Work Program’s checklist: SMART goals. This checklist can help you find and maintain full-time employment.

The Ticket to Work program is run by Social Security and was created for people ages 18 to 64 who receive Social Security Disability benefits to help them with career development. This is an excellent program that connects you with a free service provider who can explain to you how your disability and health care benefits will change with employment. This program is free and voluntary.

The main purpose of this program is to help people with disabilities become financially independent. Ticket to Work will help connect you with services and supports to make sure you succeed when you do decide to enter the workforce. If you have any questions regarding the Ticket program, they have a helpline, 866-968-7842 or 866-833-2967 (TTY), available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST, where you can talk with a representative. This representative can answer the following:

– How employment will affect your benefits

– How Social Security’s Work Incentives program will help you become financially independent

– How an authorized service provider can help support you and your path to employment

Learn About the Ticket Program Online

Another great place to find the answers to your questions about the Ticket to Work program is their website, Choose Work! Choose Work can be found at https://choosework.ssa.gov/index.html. They also have a Resources page at https://choosework.ssa.gov/library/ where you can find a variety of options to help you return to work, such as Success Story videos, fact sheets, informational podcasts. They also have a Frequently Asked Questions area for any questions you have about the Ticket program. You can also find your own service provider here using the Find Help tool.

The Find Help tool filters searches by location, online and in-person services, as well as the types of services they offer. There is also the Choose Work blog where you can find tips and resources for your job search. You can find advice here on things like resume writing, nailing the job interview, and asking for accommodations in the workplace.

Ticket to Work’s website also offers webinars, which are online seminars that discuss different topics that highlight the Ticket to Work program. Some of these topics range from things like how to choose a service provider, exploring self-employment, and how achieving financial independence is possible. Click here to register for a work incentives seminar event (WISE): https://choosework.ssa.gov/webinars-tutorials/index.html

Stay Up to Date

You can also subscribe to the Ticket to Work program’s email list and follow them on social media. Doing both of these things will make sure you are up to date on the latest information about the program. It will also help you learn everything there is to know about Ticket to Work.

– Click here to subscribe to the to Choose Work! blog: http://bit.ly/SubscribeCW

– Click here to subscribe to the monthly WISE webinars: http://bit.ly/WISEsubscribe

– Follow Ticket to Work on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/choosework– Follow Ticket to Work on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chooseworkssa


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