Getting hitched (on wheels) – A wheelchair wedding

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Wheelchair-users get married everyday (despite most able-bodied people being shocked). No, we are not damaged goods; we are some of the most precious cargo around. What’s important is the love that’s shared between two people, not the car you drive.

These two wheelchair wedding videos – one giving advice on planning a wedding if you use a wheelchair, the other showing the coolest first dance I’ve ever seen a wheelchair-user do – prove just how awesome our weddings can still be. And what I love about these videos is that they’re not about a bride or groom walking down the aisle, the media‘s favorite subject of late (we get it already; people feel cooler when they walk!).

The first video comes from, a mainstream wedding site, and they’ve created a video for wheelchair-users titled, “Disabled Weddings: Tips & Advice.” It covers nearly every aspect of planning a wheelchair wedding from the wc-perspective. How cool is that? I’ve never seen a thorough video before on this rarely-covered subject. Love it!

And it goes over every important aspect of the big day, from making sure the ceremony and reception locations are actually accessible (never take anyone for their word when they say something is “accessible” over the phone), creating a ceremony where both the bride and groom are at eye-level, to how-to choose a wedding dress (avoid beading under the butt!). The video interviews a beautiful paraplegic (and very knowledgeable) 40-something Asian bride.

The second video is titled, “A Perfect Wedding Dance – Bride in a Wheelchair,” and it shows the coolest first dance I never seen a wheelchair-user do. The bride Angie is a paraplegic and she hired a choreography company (that specializes in first dances) to create the first dance for herself and able-bodied groom. From start to finish, the routine is flawless.  It’s an up-tempo song (hip-hop) and she even throws a cute kick in there at the end. You gotta watch it.

Getting married and use a wheelchair? Don’t worry about it! These videos prove that the wheelchair is nothing but an accessory (that you can totally make work).

Have you hgd a wheelchair wedding?  What tips do you have? What was your first dance like?

Watch the Videos!

– Disabled Weddings: Tips & Advice

– A Perfect Wedding Dance – Bride in a Wheelchair – Angie & Joe – Las Vegas


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