Moving pictures have come a long way since their crackly, reel-to-reel days. With cell phones with built-in digital cameras on nearly everyone on the street, anyone can be the next Steven Spielberg and record whatever they want and in unlimited amounts. And online “how-to” videos may be one of the greatest things to come from this invention. Whether you want to become an ace at shooting pool from your wheelchair or learn how to transfer into a big truck without killing yourself, the internet is making people with disabilities smarter and more informed with websites like SPINALpedia.
When I was in elementary school I remember how excited I’d get whenever my teacher would bring in the TV on the rolling stand into the classroom. That meant it was a day of fun and laziness and it totally ruled. None of us ever looked at video day as some kind of arduous learning process, but it actually was. It was an undercover teacher and we thought we were getting away with fun. Little did I know teaching theory had long since recognized videos as an effective way to introduce concepts and motivate students to learn, not to mention being great for those with short attention-spans.
And this is why we live in such an awesome day in age right now. We have something that’s even greater than the great Library of Alexandria – we have the internet and access to knowledge in every area of life. It’s amazing. And if you‘re disabled, this knowledge at our fingertips translates into being fully-equipped to survive a life with a disability that none of our disabled predecessors could have dreamed of. We are blessed! Sure, you can explain how to transfer onto a couch using pictures and text, but video explains it like nothing else. And when you can bring up videos in a matter of seconds no matter where you are, it makes them that much more special. And is the biggest disability video archive out there that makes this happen.
Remember to appreciate the thousands of homemade videos out there that offer a real-life glimpse into personal experiences.enrich you mind by watching how-to videos and fill up as much of those 70% unused brain cells as you can. You’ll be surprised at how much you learn.
Check out the over two dozen video categories at SPINALpedia