Casey Moore
Where do you live?
“I live in Medford, OR with my wife and son.”
How and when were you injured?
“In 2000 I dove into water that was too shallow and hit a rock breaking my neck.”
What is your level of injury?
C5/C6 complete
What kind of job did you do before your injury?
“Grocery Store Clerk, Drywall.”
When did you first work post-injury?
How did you get started in the field of community health?
“Well it all started from doing peer mentoring for newly injured people still in the hospital setting. I liked it so much that I started exploring career options that allowed to continue doing stuff like that.”
How long have you had your current job?
“Almost 3 years.”
What kind of job accommodations do you require to be able to do your job?
“Flexible hours.”
Please tell us what you do in your job. What kind of tasks do you do on a daily basis?
“Bridge the gap between people living with spinal cord injuries, and the health care providers that serve them. Connect people with SCI to resources, host meet-ups for those living with paralysis, other programming for the physical disability community.”
Would you recommend this job to others with spinal cord injury? Why?
“Absolutely!! Working with others living with SCI is rewarding and building community is so powerful. Employment after disability can be very overwhelming to pursue, I would highly recommend contacting your local vocational rehabilitation office for help navigating employment, disability, and benefits.”
— Follow Casey on Facebook & IG
— Check out where Casey works: Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection
Do you need help with employment and disability benefits post-spinal cord injury or any kind of disability? Whether you’re trying to return to work, find a new career, or navigate Medicaid or Social Security under new circumstances, we offer FREE video chats with our disability employment experts, C4-5 quadriplegic and trial attorney Josh Basile, and Certified Benefits Counselor Heather Miller, who can answer any questions you may have. Set up a video call today by clicking the following link: