Does Where You Live Matter When Looking for Spinal Cord Injury Legal Lawyer?

Does Where You Live Matter When Looking for Spinal Cord Injury Legal Lawyer?

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Avoid Spinal Cord Injury Law Firms Trying to Make a Quick Dollar

There are many law firms that advertise for every single type of personal injury or catastrophic injury case known to man. They stretch their hands and fingers as wide as possible with the hope of signing a case and as soon as they get it they try to make a quick dollar without truly fighting for the best interests of their client.

Unfortunately, too many law firms do this. It is your job to find a spinal cord injury law firm that will go the extra mile for you, while holding those negligent for your spinal cord injury accountable and simultaneously fighting for every dollar needed to pay for your numerous future costs.

What to look for in a Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm

Many people assume that finding the best lawyer after a spinal cord injury is to find one close to where they live. This however might be convenient, but it is not the best for creating the best outcome for winning your case and receiving a large monetary recovery. Since your case is so vital to your future, as life with a spinal cord injury can cost several millions of dollars over time, you need to search for a lawyer that understands what you are going through and is willing to fight for every dollar you deserve. Finding a lawyer that you can count on and that you can trust is a must because litigation can take many months to years to be resolved by settlement or by trial. This search often times means looking out-of-state, especially when dealing with a spinal cord injury which is a very specific world not known to those outside of it.

Can I Hire a Lawyer that is Out of State?

You do not need to choose a lawyer in your town or nearby within your state.
If you find a lawyer you trust that is located out of state, you can still hire them as your lawyer. Every state has special rules and court admission procedures allowing for out-of-state counsel to bring forward a case. In the legal world this is known as a pro hac vice admission.

Where to Search for Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

While searching for a lawyer with spinal cord injury experience, you need to find a lawyer that understands the intricacies of a case and your future spinal cord injury expenses. While searching online is a great start, you can also ask for recommendations from a variety of people in the spinal cord injury world. You can ask for recommendations from a respected spinal cord injury organization like the United Spinal Association and reach out to there spinal cord injury chapter support group in your state. You can ask any of your spinal cord injury friends if they have recommendations of SCI people they’ve known that have pursued a spinal cord injury legal case. You can ask medical professionals in the spinal cord injury world, as they too may know of past patients that have pursued spinal cord injury litigation.

We are Here to Help

Speak and connect with a SPINALpedia’s legal resource team member to answer your many legal questions and to match you with a spinal cord injury lawyer.

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Spinal Cord Injury
8315 N Brook Ln Apt 906,
Bethesda MD  20814
Phone Number: +1 703-795-5711