NDEAM Profile: Katie Lavallee, Elementary English Teacher, Paraplegic

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For the last few days of NDEAM/National Disability Employment Awareness Month, meet Katie Lavallee, an elementary English teacher to English learners at a new school in Boston, Massachusetts.

In the comments below, please share if you are โค working post spinal cord injury, ๐Ÿ’š when you started, and ๐Ÿ’™ what you love most about your job ๐Ÿ‘


Katie Lavallee



Where Do You Live?

Boston, Massachusetts

How and When Were You Injured?

“I have Spina Bifida.”

Were You Employed Your Injury?

“I was born disabled.”

What is Your Current Job and What Do You Do?

“I teach elementary English language learners at a new school! I started in September.” “I work with immigrant and refugee elementary school students to help them learn English!”

How Did You Find Your Job?


How Long Did You Search for Your Current Job?

“Several months.โ€

Please Name Any Programs That Supported You Finding or Maintaining Your Current Job:


What Kind of Disability Accommodations, If Any, Have You Requested and Received from Your Employer?

None needed.

Do You Have Any Tips or Tricks to Share on Finding a Job?

“Make connections in your community.”

Do You Have Any Tips or Tricks to Share on Maintaining Employment for the Long Term?

“Make sure youโ€™re in the right space for you. Youโ€™ll know it when you feel it.”

If You Could Go Back in Time, What Advice Would You Give Yourself Before Pursuing Your Job or Career Path?

“It might take twists and turns, but it will be worth it.”

โ€” Follow Katie on IG at https://www.instagram.com/katethegreat25


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