Our first shout-out for SPINALpedia in an SCI blog!

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Thank you to Tiffiny Carlson for writing the following post about SPINALpedia on her blog Spin 2.0 in NewMobility.

The YouTube of SCI Videos

Jan 04 07:08

It’s really no fair what newbies have access to these days. When I was injured, all I had were old VHS tapes from my rehab unit’s meager video collection, with titles like, “Yes, Satisfying Sex With a Spinal Cord Injury Is Still Possible” and “Get Out and Live!” If I had had SPINALpedia.com back when I was injured, a site with over two thousand videos on strictly related to spinal cord injury, let’s just say my brain would’ve been a tad more healthier.

There’s a special power in watching someone just like you do something new, or something you thought wasn’t possible. That’s one of the bonuses of living around other humans typically, but when you have a SCI, you rarely get that since folks like us aren’t everywhere (good thing). AB-folks get to see, watch and adapt all the time. But us? Not so much. If I had been able to see for example the fabulous Colours Dancers when I was hurt at 14, my gloomy world would have been strobe-light brightened, knowing real hip-hop dancing was still possible in a wheelchair.
This is why sites like SPINALpedia rule. Sure, YouTube has the same thing, but you gotta love deeply-detailed categories for pure time-saving reasons. Some of the categories you’ll find include Adapted Devices, Driving, Exercise/Therapy, General Tasks (my personal favorite), Home/Office Access, Life, Personal Care, Recreation, Sports, State/Federal Aid, Stories, Technology, Transfers and Travel.
You can also add videos that YOU’VE made, or hey, maybe you’ll want to make one after being inspired by the site. They have a How to Make Videos section where you can learn how to record and upload a video.
Remember, the way sites like this thrive is through user-submitted content. Think of the coolest things you’ve invented since you’ve been injured or any tricks you’ve discovered that newbies might appreciate. Share your knowledge, pass it along. Help make the world a better place.
SPINALpediaClick here for the full article
Click here to visit Tiffiny’s blog

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