SPINALpedia Features: The Tag System

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Have you ever searched online for information about your injury and struggled to find anything relevant to your mobility? Are you a family member who has been unable to connect with anyone in your situation? Are you just eager to connect with others who share your challenges and experiences?

Your search is finally over! Our tag system takes the work away from you, using information tags that you select to filter relevant content to you, making SPINALpedia intuitive and easy to use. When you make your account, select tags that are relevant to your experience including anything from cause of injury to your level of finger function. You can also identify yourself as the person injured or a spouse, child or friend of someone injured. Piece together your SPINALpedia identity with tags to give you the best chance of finding people and videos that relate to you.

Videos and members are recommended to you on your personal profile page, and videos and members can be sorted using a tag filter on the left bar of the video and community pages. The more specifically you tag yourself and any videos you upload, the more efficient the system, so get tagging!

Have you tried our tag system yet? What do you think? Can we improve it?


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Spinal Cord Injury
8315 N Brook Ln Apt 906,
Bethesda MD  20814
Phone Number: +1 703-795-5711