Do or Don’t? Black Friday Shopping In a Wheelchair

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Black Friday has arrived and the sales are too good to pass up, right? But the daunting task of encountering those insane, pushy crowds may be too much if you use a wheelchair. I know lots of wheelchair-users however who are undeterred, and have no problem whatsoever getting up at 3am to get the best deals at 5am.

If you think these people are nuts, learning how to shop in a wheelchair is an important skill, especially if your upper body is affected by your disability. I had a new C6 quad ask me the other day, “How do you shop?” and I replied, “Well, I just ask for a lot of help.”

But there are a few other important things you need to know too to get the whole wheelchair-shopping thing down pat, like how to push a shopping cart. Check out our three in-depth wheelchair-shopping videos below.

Our first video comes from Andrew Angulo, founder of Disabled Life Media, who has some really great videos on wheelchair life. In his video, he discusses going shopping post-injury. And after a quick heart-to-heart with his camera, he films himself as he shops at Home Depot.

It’s a fun video. He zooms around store having fun with his kid, and he shows how to get some of the top shelf without asking for help. Andrew has a great energy. Check it out yourself – Andrew Angulo discusses shopping post-injury

Our second video is of the adorable Courtney Cirabisi, a 20 something paraplegic who loves to shop. In her video she has her friend film her as she shows how she pushes a shopping cart from her manual wheelchair. She has a great technique too, and dare I say a sexy one at that.

It’s all in the swing of the hips, and boy is it awesome. Once she gets going, her momentum continues and she’s able to push the cart. I just love this girl’s sass. Watch her do her thing (and then stop because Wal-Mart employees tell her no recording in the store)

And our third video comes from Dan, a C6 quad from Ann-Harbor, Michigan, and he shows something that’s not very easy at all – shopping from your wheelchair in the winter. Michigan’s winters are known to be pretty frigid, but Dan is undeterred. Hey, a quad has got to eat too.

I particularly like this video because it shows the entire process, from getting ready in the house and exiting his van to getting things off the shelf at the store completely on his own.  He’s also wearing thick mittens 75% as of this time as he’s grabbing stuff which is quite impressive considering he can’t move his fingers. It’s not easy, but it’s great he shows how he can still do it. Watch his thorough shopping trip

Love it or hate it, shopping is a necessity of life. Just remember the following whenever you go out to get your shopping on – have fun, and don’t let the jerkfaces who sometimes stare bug you. Shopping can be a blast from a chair. Don’t let anyone when you go out ever ruin your shine.

Do you do Black Friday shopping in a wheelchair?

Watch the videos!

– Andrew Angulo, a paraplegic, talks about shopping in a wheelchair post-injury (and goes to Home Depot)

– Courtney Cirabisi, a wheelchair-user, shows the adorable way to push a shopping cart from a wheelchair

– Dan, a C6 quad, shows the challenges shopping in a wheelchair in the middle of Winter


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