SCI Superstar: Bob Coomber

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Bob Coomber is one of the most prolific wheelchair hikers in the world. Hiking some of the tallest peaks in California is what he’s best known for.

While Bob doesn’t have a spinal cord injury – he has severe nerve and bone damage to his legs from undiagnosed juvenile diabetes (he hasn’t walked since he was 38). His ability to continue hiking as a wheelchair-user and sharing the joy of hiking was other wheelchair-users makes him a true superstar. Read on for his story.

Why He’s Fearless

Bob’s journey as a disabled man began when he was 35, and while walking he was no less. As he was taking a relaxing walk by a lake, his lower right leg suddenly fractured in multiple locations from having untreated diabetes for so many years. He had developed severe osteoporosis and had no idea. After this crazy injury, his leg was never able to heal the same, and he had no choice but to accept his life as a wheelchair-user. 

Growing up in the Bay area of California, his dad would take him and his siblings hiking often. He absolutely loved it as a boy. After he became a wheelchair-user, doubts whether hiking would be possible for him clouded his mind., but he went out on the flattest trails he could find to see if it was possible, and sure enough it was.  While there are several trails he can’t go on, Bob has hiked at all 65 state Parks in California and is one of the few people to do so.

Since he’s such a fan of the East Bay Park regional area, from which he’s from, he’s also on the board for the park, making sure it stays at the high quality it’s known for. Other than hiking, Bob also loves to climb mountains without any physical assistance.  He made history in fact in 2007 when he was the first wheelchair user to climb the third tallest peak in California –  White Mountain at 14,246 ft. For able-bodied people, it takes one day to climb. Bob did it in four days.

What’s Next?

Bob next climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro – a mountain he had been wanting to climb for years. And then he began planning to cross the Sierra Nevada mountains. Filmmakers caught wind of Bob’s plans to cross the Sierra Nevadas and filmed the journey. In 2016, they released a documentary on the trek, which took place in 2015. The documentary is called, 4 Wheel Bob

And hiking is just one part of the hike he enjoys. He also hikes in other countries to distribute wheelchairs on behalf of the Wheelchair Foundation. For his exemplary hiking abilities, Bob was awarded the President’s Council on Physical Fitness Community Leadership Award in 2008, given to him by President George Bush. And in 2016, Bob ran and won a seat as a City Council member of Livermore County, California, where he resides.

When Bob is not hiking, he is a motivational speaker. With his longtime wife Gina by his side, this epic nature lover is one of the most successful ambassadors of wheelchair hiking on the planet.

– Visit his site:

Watch the documentary: 4 Wheel Bob

– Follow him on Facebook: Bob Coomber


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