The Latest on Male Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury

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Out of everything we lose when we become paralyzed, the effects on our sexuality can be the hardest. Ask any guy with a spinal cord injury what he misses most and chances are he’ll say his sexuality.

But the good news – there’s hope for a better tomorrow. There are constant discoveries being made and experts lining up to give advice, all aiming to give men with spinal cord injuries this part of their life back.

Still aren’t sure it’s possible? Watch our three videos below to see what we mean

Video #1: “Strange Sex” and new erogenous zones

In this episode of the webseries “Daily Infusion,” Rafe Eric Biggs PhD, a C5-6 quad from San Francisco, California and Founder of, shares how he discovered pleasurable sex post-injury.

After breaking his neck, Rafe realized (through self-discovery) that he could still have pleasurable sex, and he discovered two new interesting erogenous zones along the way – his thumb and the scar where his injury needed surgery (injury sites tend to be new erogenous zones for many people with SCI)

Watch: Rafe Eric Biggs, PhD talks Sexuality + Disability

Video #2: “A couple’s disease”

In this presentation from Dr. Jesse Mills last winter, a renowned SCI urologist who works with many Craig Hospital clients, you get a professional overview of male sexuality and spinal cord injury, as the audience is full of therapists and doctors.

Smartly calling the limitations of spinal cord injury on sex a “couple’s disease,” his 42-minute presentation covers it all from injury levels to testosterone levels. And he goes over some of the latest treatment options like Stendra (to assist with erections). This video is a must for any men new to living with a spinal cord injury.

Watch: Male Fertility, Sexual Function After Spinal Cord Injury

Video # 3: Making it work as creatively as possible

If the logistics of intimacy are what concern you the most, then you’ll appreciate this video from Dr. Mitch Tepper, a C5-6 quadriplegic and psychologist specializing in sexuality. He and a friend demonstrate the various positions that man of his injury level can do, demonstrating them with their clothes on (PG-13 rated).

While the video is risque, the end goal of changing the way the world views people with disabilities, and helping men with spinal cord injuries find satisfying sex lives along the way, kind of cancels all of that.

Watch: Sexual Positions for Men with Spinal Cord Injury: Creativity, Adaptability and Sense of Humor

Has sex been something you put on the back burner? Don’t let it linger there too long. There are more options now than ever before to reclaim your old life. All you need is a willingness to try, and you’ll be surprised at what you may feel again.

Were you able to discover new erogenous zones post-injury?

Watch the videos!

– Rafe Eric Biggs, PhD talks Sexuality + Disability

– Male Fertility, Sexual Function After Spinal Cord Injury from Craig Hospital

– Sexual Positions for Men with Spinal Cord Injury: Creativity, Adaptability and Sense of Humor


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