5 Truths of Paralysis and Medical Malpractice

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Being under a doctor’s care is not always a guaranteed safe experience. This becomes evident when looking at the thousands of patients injured by doctors every year in hospitals and clinics across the country. When a doctor causes something as severe as paralysis due to medical malpractice, you have every right to seek financial compensation for your lifelong injury.

Many people who sustain a SCI (spinal cord injury) because of a medical professional file a medical malpractice claim. It is your legal right to file a claim if you are a victim of medical malpractice. Filing a claim is sometimes the only way to ensure that medical professionals are as safe and careful as possible while administering treatment. Too many people are injured while under the care of a doctor. Before filing your claim, make sure to read up on the facts of medical malpractice cases Here are five things to know about paralysis and medical malpractice cases:

1. It’s Not Far-Reaching to File

Frivolous: That is the word some people use to describe certain spinal cord injury medical malpractice claims. While some personal injury cases can be considered frivolous—such as a drunk driver suing the city for bad lighting as the cause of their car accident—it is not at all frivolous or far reaching to file a medical malpractice claim. In fact, it is your duty as a citizen to alert others of a negligent doctor to prevent future medical malpractice cases. A study in 2006 found that just 3% of nearly 1,500 medical malpractice claims were deemed frivolous, ie, “no adverse outcome from medical care.”

2. It’s Not Always About the Money

While it is always nice to receive financial compensation to help pay for everything involved with living with a spinal cord injury, this is not always the reason why people file a medical malpractice claim. For many, patients simply want answers because the doctor accused is not giving them the information or answers they need. Sometimes, the only way to get these answers is to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

3. There Are More Unspoken Cases Than Cases Filed

Another truth about medical malpractice cases is that there are thousands of malpractice incidents that are not reported every year. If you are a victim of medical malpractice, know that you are not alone; many people sustain serious injuries due to the negligence of their doctor. Unfortunately, many medical errors can even lead to death, with over 250,000 people annually dying because of medical error. While it may seem difficult to take the first step and talk to someone about what you believe is a medical malpractice incident, we have lawyers who live with spinal cord injuries and will understand your situation.

4. Medical Malpractice Claims Cause Rising Premiums for Doctors

Unfortunately, it is true that medical malpractice claims have caused premiums for health care professionals to rise in recent years. Considering that medical malpractice claims account for 2% of the total cost of health care, the rise in premiums have reached upwards of several billion dollars in total for doctors across the country.

5. Higher Insurance Premiums Don’t Always Occur for Patients

Although doctors may be seeing higher premiums, you as a patient will not automatically see higher premiums as a result of successful medical malpractice claims. This is a myth that is perpetrated by the insurance industry. Contrary to popular belief, there has even been a decrease in premiums in states that have tort reform.
Taking the first step to talk to a legal professional about what you believe is a medical malpractice claim is vital to receiving the compensation you deserve. We understand life with a spinal cord injury and all that SCIs entail. Please contact us today to learn more about medical malpractice claims.


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